DBS Adult 1st Checks

DBS Adult 1st Checks can be carried out alongside an Enhanced Level DBS check if required.

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Formerly known as ‘ISA Adult First’ and ‘POVA Check’, a DBS Adult First checks an individual against the DBS Adults’ Barred List. If a positive result is received, an individual can start work under supervision while they wait for the results of their full DBS check.

Who Is Eligible for an Adult First DBS Check?

An Adult First DBS check is only eligible for workers in the care sector and follows strict criteria:

  • The position must require a criminal record check by law
  • The position must be eligible for access to the DBS adults’ barred list
  • The organisation must have requested a check of the DBS adults’ barred list on the DBS application form.

An Adult First check forms only part of the Enhanced DBS application and cannot be applied for separately. It is only permitted when an individual is required to start work prior to receiving their DBS Certificate in places such as:

  • Adult Placement Schemes
  • Care Homes
  • Domiciliary Care Agencies
dbs checks for schools and teachers

What Will A DBS Adult First Check Show?

There are two possible results of the check:

  • A NO MATCH EXISTS outcome is a clear result and permits an individual to start work supervised pending the check completion.
  • A PLEASE WAIT TO VIEW CERTIFICATE result prevents an applicant from starting supervised work.

An employer will receive an email with the result within 72 hours of the application.

Please note, an adult first check is only part of the criminal record check process and a PLEASE WAIT response will mean that an organisation must wait for the DBS certificate due to an inconclusive result. The details provided MAY have a positive match on the adults’ barred list. The match looks at names and birth dates which have been barred and further investigation is needed to confirm so the organisation is not permitted to allow the applicant to work supervised pending check completion.


We provide DBS checks for all industries including: